The microfilm PhD thesis educates us on how to preserve fragile information, such as rare books or other periodicals, using microphotography. In the twentieth century, microfilm was the preferred method for storing data like schematics, maps, blueprints, etc. At its peak, no other formats had the same versatility or longevity. Therefore, such knowledge helps in high-volume data storage to share and access information easily.
Due to the long-term beneficial uses of microfilms, many institutes are still conducting extensive research on them, and supervisors have asked students to write a dissertation on microfiches. Writing a thesis on microfilms is not easy, as it requires students to investigate the matter deeply and define it appropriately for the reader.
In this article, we will explain the process in different steps for easy comprehension. Continue reading to learn some tips for writing and formatting your microfilm paper for optimal results.
11 Tips to Write and Format Micro Film PhD Thesis
How many times have you dared to start writing your micro film thesis but stepped back, afraid of its writing technicalities? It is tempting to imagine throwing a cap in the air on your convocation day, but before, cross this tough way. How far can you walk away? After all, you are going to be labelled as a doctor, which may cost you something.
Instead of being troubled because you don’t know the micro film PhD thesis format, you can request experts to ‘write my PhD thesis for me’ and beat this complexity. Besides, you can spend some time in a thorough study of this article. Here are some useful tips that can be a glimmer of light for those researchers who are ill at ease.
1. Make A Professional Title Page
Picking up a PhD thesis micro film from university libraries shelves is solely a matter of how attractive you find its cover. For instance, a huge treasure of knowledge being wrapped in a casual plastic binding without details on the title is likely to keep the reader away. No one has time to read each document manually to decide whether it’s worth reading or not. So you need to draw and retain the attention by designing a professional title page accompanying all the page elements.
What Are the Title Page Elements?
- Title of the dissertation.
- Author name.
- Name of the degree.
- Partial fulfilments.
- Name of department and university.
The Discover PhDs presents an example of a doctorate thesis title page, which is displayed below.

2. Write High-Quality Abstract
An abstract is an executive summary of your micro film PhD thesis work findings. Typically, it defines what the research is about. However, don’t write long paragraphs on methodology or findings here. Leave it for the rest of the paper. Although it is the shortest chapter of your thesis, the way you need to be precise here costs you real energy. To make a good word choice that can say more in less is the top tier act.
How to Write an Abstract in APA Format?
- Place a header and insert the page number on the top right corner of your page.
- It should not be more than 150 to 250 words.
- Structure it in the same order as your paper.
- Read the ProQuest dissertations to see how professionals have crafted this part.
In this regard, it is better to go through an example for the clarity of the concept or micro film PhD thesis structure.
Micro Film PhD Thesis Examples
An example of a well-written abstract taken from the PhD dissertation of Lehigh University is given below:

3. Make a Detailed Table of Content
The table of contents is like a preface of your micro film PhD thesis that gives users an overview of document content. It includes all the sections and major divisions of the work, along with page numbers for easy navigation. This is how you can save time and effort for finding the relevant sections or chapters. It is closely related to the appendices or glossary, with different placements. The table of contents comes first, while appendices come at the end.
What Does A Table Of Contents Include?
- The section title.
- Page number concerning the section title.
- Divide the main section into subheadings.
- The appendixes or any other supplementary material should be part of the table.
- Enlist all the figures or tables.
A table of contents template example given by Pinterest is worth to consider regarding the formatting of your thesis,

4. Provide A List of Tables or Figures
A document having more than two figures or tables must accompany a list. As we know, a thesis is more of infographics than textual information. Depending on the nature of the projects, sometimes the calculated data is more than merely its descriptive form. Therefore, it will be a compulsion to condense the information in tabular form. This is how the reader can easily find the illustrations, charts, diagrams, etc., in your paper.
The complication arises when you have both tables and figures to enlist in micro film PhD thesis. Strictly speaking, tables are the rows and columns, while figures are the drawings, photographs or other related illustrations. You can’t mix up both parts, so enlist these sections with a separate heading on the same page.
5. Write A Catchy Introduction
This chapter of micro film PhD thesis is going to give you a tough time. Many times, you hold the pen to introduce your topic, but you must have something in mind. You may have a list of glossary terms to define or quote some examples to emphasise the importance. But does it always work when writing the introduction of any academic project? The answer is No!
For thesis writing, a catchy introduction is about how you transport your reader from their lives to the place of your analysis. For instance, in microfilm technology paper, readers need to know how it has changed the means of storing data to make our lives easier. By bridging this gap, you give readers a tool that they care about what you are saying.
Tips For Writing Catchy Intros
- Don’t repeat the paper title.
- State your research question.
- Try to keep it brief.
- Establish a purpose.
- Make several drafts.
Do you find it difficult to implement it? If so, we suggest you ask experienced thesis helpers in the UK to support you in effectively implementing it to save time and energy. Instead of presenting a poor paper, asking for help from experts is a wise decision.
6. Deeply Study the Literature
You can’t bang in the middle by writing or repeating what you found out, how you did it, and how valuable it is going to be. It is crucial, but does anyone else care to talk about it? Although you need to make original findings for your micro film PhD thesis, there must be some others who investigated other sorts. This is where a literature review comes into play. Here, you get around the existing databases relevant to your topic and build your knowledge in the field.
Steps To Write Literature Review
- Search what has been written about your topic.
- Read the literature to know how the topic has been approached.
- Write and organise short summaries of each argument.
- Each part of this chapter deals with a specific theme.
- Proofread it carefully after you complete writing.
7. Material, Apparatus, Methodology
Generally, this micro film PhD thesis chapter is a concise enlisting of the material or methods that are used for the conduction of experimentation. You will define how the data was collected and which statistical analysis was undertaken. The details should be enough that any other researcher can easily replicate your study as you replicated other’s work. Moreover, it should be arranged logically to connect ideas.
What Are the Elements of The Methodology Chapter?
- Name all the equipment used.
- The location of the study site.
- The techniques and methods used.
- Site maps or figures, if included.
- Any decision-making tree, algorithm or calculations.
- The statistical analysis to define the plot.
8. Write Your Empirical Findings
This chapter illustrates findings that can be used to answer the micro film PhD thesis research question. As a result, you confirm, disapprove, or partially confirm your findings for the reader. It is a stepping stone to the discussion part or may have elements of discussion incorporated in it. Typically, there are four parts of this section.
- Provide some background information so that the reader can place the results within this context.
- Give tables and figures that can be identified through numbers or captions.
- The text must refer to the relevant tables or figures to highlight the aspects of the results you are focusing on.
- Comment on the findings. For instance, you can give possible reasons for the results or how you can generalise findings.
9. Discuss Results
Have you ever participated in science debates or discussions? Do they gather to create one-dimensional gas out of light, or do they discuss the theoretical predictions? Of course, it’s insane to participate in an extensive research framework to tell something new in a 40-minute discussion. Then what do they do? They are here to share their observations, interpret evidence and discuss findings.
The discussion chapter of your micro film PhD thesis serves a similar purpose. It refines your ideas, makes connections, or develops new perspectives. Moreover, you can provide a direction for future researchers to work on.
Tips To Write the Discussion Chapter
- Restate your research problem.
- Summarise the key findings in one or two paragraphs.
- Unpack your findings by interpreting the results.
- Acknowledge your study limitations.
- Reflect on your study for future research.
- Give conclusion remarks.
10. Conclude Results
Just like the micro film PhD thesis introduction, the conclusion should also be impactful for the reader. It is the last part of your paper, so a good ending can make a mark on the reader. Remember, it is more than the summary. Simply restating what you said in the previous chapters can’t craft a good conclusion. So how should you formulate this part in a way that is specifically different from others?
How To Write the Conclusion of The Thesis?
- Rephrase your thesis statement slightly differently from what has been given in the introduction.
- Gather key findings and rephrase them to be used in the conclusion part.
- Showcase the impact of your work on society.
- Add a call to action or future direction.
11. Provide a List of Sources
The bibliography is the list of sources that you have consulted in the process of researching your work. In general, it consists of five main components,
- The name of the author.
- Title of the paper.
- The name of the publisher or journal name.
- The date of publication.
- Page number of the sources.
Harvard System for Referencing
To format your sources in Harvard style, you need elements like,
- Author name
- Year of publication
- Title of paper
- Level of award
- Place of awarding institution
- Awarding institution name
- Web address
- The open-access data
The LSBU provides an example of how to frame these components in the final template.
John, L. (2023) ‘Name of thesis or dissertation’: examining the reception of ‘The God of the Rings’. PhD Thesis, Manchester University. Available from: Website Link [Accessed 17 January 2024].
Top 5 Micro Film PhD Thesis Topics
Choosing a topic for your thesis is the most important decision of your research journey. It directs your work and keeps you focused on the research question. Here, you can find micro film PhD thesis ideas to make the brainstorming easier that may cost your mental peace.
- A comparative study to highlight the differences between 16mm and 35mm microfilm.
- How can users quickly transform copies to third parties by using microfilm duplication?
- How to scan and digitalise microfilm by using sensors and magnifying glasses?
- Enlist different microfilm formats and how to determine which one is good to use.
- Explore the history of microfilm with a specific focus on its present-day form.
In a nutshell, we have obtained valuable insights from the microfilm PhD thesis that will help advance microfilm technology. This is how we can preserve fragile data for an extended period of time that could otherwise be lost or deteriorated. Writing a thesis is not rocket science to master. You need to learn a few writing or structural configurations to come up with a quality paper. However, students may also buy a thesis online from academic writing experts to be unique and have exceptional write-ups.
In the guide above, we have shed light on micro film PhD thesis writing and formatting tips for professional presentations. Each step of the process has been described in detail to take away any ambiguity. As a result, you may confidently present an organised layout of your research work. So, before you start writing, read the article in detail for the effective communication of ideas.