How to use the clone stamp tool in Online Photoshop


How to use the clone stamp tool in Online Photoshop

The Clone Stamp Tool is one of the most important features in Photoshop. Whether you are just editing a photo, or you are creating from scratch, this tool can help solve problems and create great results. Knowing how to use the Clone Stamp Tool will make your work faster and more efficient. In the article, we will talk about how to use it effectively in online Photoshop and the steps to achieve the best result possible.

The Clone Stamp Tool function copies the pixels from some portion of an image to apply to another. This is basically how one might get rid of unwanted objects, correct blemishes, or cover missing details. The tool can be located in both the online version of Photoshop and the desktop download.

Why Use the Clone Stamp Tool?

The Clone Stamp Tool is perfect for retouching photos, because you could change certain areas without interfering with the rest of the image. It’s perfect for dust, scratches, or even people unwanted in a picture. You may also use it to fill in certain areas in old pictures if they are damaged with similar pixels from other parts of the image.

The Clone Stamp Tool is no less effective than in the desktop version, so those who do not have full access to the software still get the same out of it. It can be used on any system connected to the Internet, which makes it absolutely available to every user – beginners, intermediate, and advanced alike.

How to access the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop

First, access Online Photoshop by opening the image you want to edit, then follow these steps:

·         Locate toolbar on left side of the page.

·         Find Clone Stamp Tool resembles an icon of a rubber stamp.

·         If you are working on an online version of Photoshop, you might need to click on a group of tools for you to be able to see the Clone Stamp Tool.

Once chosen, the tool is ready for use. You can change the size of the brush by clicking on the brush settings at the top of the screen. For detailed work, a small brush is better as it covers smaller areas whereas the larger the brush the more area it covers.

How to Use the Clone Stamp Tool

Using the online Photoshop Clone Stamp Tool becomes easier to do with the following steps:

·         Select the area of the image that you want to copy from-to this is called the “source”. Use the “Alt” key on the keyboard, holding it down click on that area.

·         Once you have selected the source, let go of the key and move your cursor to the area where you want to paste the clone.

·         Click or drag to paste the pixels in the new area. The tool automatically copies your selected area onto your target spot.

You can use this technique to remove the blemishes and unwanted objects from your image. Be patient as it may take a few tries before you get a perfect match of pixels.

Tips for Better Cloning Results

The Clone Stamp Tool in online Photoshop has some tricks up its sleeve which might help you achieve better results, in particular, zoom into the area you are working on for more precision.

Merge Smoothly: Make sure the cloned section merges well with the rest of the image. You will likely need to decrease the opacity of the tool so it’s not too obvious.

Brush Settings: The hardness and softness of your brush entirely depend on it. The softer brush is for smooth transitions and the harder one for hard cuts.

Work in Layers: It’s always a good rule of thumb to make a new layer before using the Clone Stamp Tool. Then you can use the history palette to simply undo changes made without affecting your original image.

Common Errors to Avoid

While the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop is the real deal, mistakes are easily made. Here are a few common errors to watch out for:

Wrong zone: One should always choose a source zone which closely resembles the one that is being targeted. A badly chosen source will make the cloned region look unnatural.

Overuse of tool: Avoid cloning too many times in a single zone. Repeating may create an artificial look to the image, particularly if it is about patterns or textures.

Ignore lighting: Pay attention to the lightings in your picture. If you are cloning an area of varying lighting, differences will most probably surface between the original pixels and the cloned pixels 

Advanced Techniques using the Clone Stamp Tool

Once you master these basic techniques, there are a few things you can do to get a little fancier in online Photoshop. For example, you can:

Use various blending modes: Here, you can adjust the blending mode in the settings to bring it closer to your clone with surrounding pixels. Modes like “Lighten” and “Darken” are pretty useful when you’re operating shadows or highlights.

Alter Opacity: Lower down the opacity so you can build layers gradually using the Clone Stamp Tool. This will make the layers blend more smoothly.

Use in combination with other tools: The Clone Stamp Tool will work well if combined with some other Photoshop tools such as the Healing Brush or Patch Tool. There is always a higher possibility of creating seamless edits when all these tools are combined.

Differences Between Online and Desktop Photoshop Clone Stamp Tool

Although the Clone Stamp Tool in the online version of Photoshop is by all means identical to its desktop counterpart, here are some things to point out. While online versions don’t contain all the advanced tools that the desktop software does have, they remain rather effective for the most part.

One of the best things about online Photoshop is that you can work from anywhere if you have an internet connection. This is good for users who might need to edit quickly or don’t have access to the desktop version.

Best Practices of the Clone Stamp Tool

To achieve the best results from the Clone Stamp Tool, a number of best practices are involved.

Work in small sections: Instead of cloning large areas at once, work in small sections. This way, you can be in control with your results.

Save your work often: Save often to prevent losing some of the modification changes done. If you are using online Photoshop, consider the fact that internet connection might disrupt your workflow.

Try it out: Feel free to play around with different brush sizes, the percentage level of opacity that you’d like, and the style of blending mode. All these really can make a big difference in what your final results look like.


The Clone Stamp Tool is definitely an essential feature both in online Photoshop and desktop Photoshop. Thus, this gives you a powerful way to remove unwanted elements, repair images, and make invisible alterations. You can gradually become more expertly skilled in using the tool through its practice after learning its basic operations.

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